الثلاثاء، 23 يناير 2018

Guide to Criminal Lawyers

Free Bronx Criminal Lawyers Fail to Provide Proper Legal Representation to Arrested Persons Indigent persons arrested in Bronx County New York, are represented by two primary defender services: The Legal Aid Society, and The Bronx Defenders. Both agencies are what is known as "Institutional Providers". Institutional providers are large agencies - funded by the government - designed to provide criminal defense services to thousands of persons facing criminal charges in Bronx County, New York. Essentially, both agencies are similar to large public hospitals, providing services on an assembly line basis. Both agencies are staffed exclusively by Bronx criminal lawyers who are assigned to represent all persons arrested in the Bronx unable to hire an attorney. This system was designed for two significant purposes: to provided legal services to as many people as possible, and to save money. For a time, this system actually worked. Persons arrested in the Bronx would be filtered through each of the agencies bureaucracy. Lawyers would be assigned to work the cases. Supervisors would review the lawyer's work, and files would be reviewed, and updated on a regular basis, to assure that all investigations, legal deadlines, witness interviews, and motion practice were done in a timely manner. However, in recent years, this system has come under increasing assault, leading to questionable, if not insufficient representation. The reason for the decline in representation by these agencies boils down to one solitary issue: money. Although, the Bronx experiences the highest crime rates anywhere in New York City, and has the highest level of persons below the poverty line, legal representation in criminal matters has remained unrealistically stagnant. Due to insufficient government funding, each of the Bronx Legal Aid, and Bronx Defender lawyers, are now forced to take on ever increasing caseloads. It is not uncommon for agency lawyers to maintain over 125 criminal cases at any one time. Unfortunately, these numbers effectively deny indigent Bronx residents facing criminal charges meaningful representation. Each of these cases need to be reviewed, legal papers submitted, witnesses interviewed, and investigations conducted. It has now reached the point that it has become virtually impossible for the attorneys to provide barely adequate representation to persons unable to hire an attorney. An increasing number of complaints are now being voiced by the very clients The Bronx Legal Aid Society, and Bronx Defender organizations are assigned to represent. Clients report that it is nearly impossible to arrange an office meeting with their appointed lawyer. Calls go completely unanswered. Clients report being placed under increasing pressure to plead guilty to criminal charges, even though they maintain their innocence. In addition, clients report that Bronx Legal Aid, and Bronx Defender Lawyers, barely communicate with them, even on the very day they must appear in court. In short, the The Legal Aid Society, and Bronx Defenders, are no longer able to provide proper legal representation to indigent persons living in Bronx County. The remaining boroughs in New York are also experiencing similar problems, but the situation in the Bronx is the most egregious due to the high poverty rates of its residents. Unfortunately this situation is likely to get worse. In a cost saving move, New York City is actually seeking to assign more cases to the Bronx Legal Aid Society, and Bronx Defender providers. This may save the government money, but persons unable to hire an attorney will suffer the consequences.* *Author: Alexander Sanchez, Esq. (718-665-0112) is an experienced Bronx criminal lawyer. http://www.Alexander-Sanchez-Bronx-Criminal-Lawyer.com Article Source http://ezinearticles.com/expert/Alexander_Sanchez/492898

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